Swacch Survekshan Grameen 2018 Citizen Feedback
This is your opportunity to provide your feedback to Government on key sanitation related parameters. The Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation (MDWS) intends to undertake “Swachh Survekshan Grameen2018” to provide national ranking of all districts of India on the basis of sanitation (Swachhata) parameters. This ranking will be based on a comprehensive set of parameters including but not limited to the data from the citizen’s perception of Swachhata. This App aims to engage with citizens and solicit their feedback for improving the program. Data collected through this App will be kept confidential and stored in a secured server.
Swacch Survekshan Grameen 2018 Citizen Feedback
这是您向政府提供关键卫生相关参数的反馈意见的机会。饮用水和卫生部(MDWS)打算采用“Swachh Survekshan Grameen2018”,根据卫生(Swachhata)参数提供印度所有地区的国家排名。该排名将基于一整套参数,包括但不限于公民对Swachhata的感知数据。此应用程序旨在与公民接触,并征求他们的反馈意见,以改善该计划。通过此应用程序收集的数据将保密并存储在安全的服务器中。